Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Sitting opposite the blinking load bar as photoshop configured what it wanted to do next, I could hear the dense, over-the-top laughter coming from the adjacent room as smooth as sandpaper. I'd tried to remain with my head held high for what seemed like weeks, realistically it had been only a few hours yet my body was still on the brink of tears all the time. I had done nothing wrong to become so ostracized from the group, yet I had still been left completely on my own. Friends that had once individually been my friends, friends that I had introduced to each other, had now turned their backs on me in force.
I had been just about driven completely insane, when one of the younger lads, a follower of the crowd, got up and slammed the door joining the two of our rooms. It was a very clear signal, as I flinched away from the loud cracking of the frame splinting from the exertion. I had sat there being taunted, pretending I couldn't hear their over loud conversations about how they were so happy, with their too pinched smiles and now I had been shut out very purposefully. I sat, staring. The ground opened up and swallowed me, but even that spat me back out.

That was yesterday.
Today I didn't even go to college.
Today I didn't even get out of bed.

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